This gallery includes single and multi-plate linocuts, reduction linocuts, collagraphs and wood engravings.

Greenwich Park (Equinox)

The Topiarist

The Thames Barrier

The Long Man of WIlmington

Battersea Park

Peace at the Punch Bowl

Domain of the Hunter

Domain of the Hunter - Variant

The Hunter 5/6

Battersea Park '51

Battersea Park '51 - Green

The Man Who Planted Trees

Top of the City

Cast Adrift (in Blue)

Birth of the Phoenix

Nature Boy

Swanley 9/75

Sevenoaks 13 of 75

The Wise Owl (Blue)

Into the Woods 2

The Wise Owl (Yellow)

The Sea Says

Beyond the Shallows

Island Life I

Black Bryony

The Estuary II

Island Life

Domain of the Kite - Colour

Domain of the Kite (red and black)

Domain of the Kite

Eye of the Green Man

The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives... 10/75